Rental Rants

Bootcamp - React

Rental Rants is a full-stack single-page web application that allows users to create and view tenancy reviews linked to property addresses. It was born out of a desire to level the playing field between tenants and landlords. Built as a group final project with the wonderful Emily Tupper and splendid Jared Flomen in Lighthouse Labs Web Development Bootcamp (Jan 2021).

Front-end: React JS, react-google-maps, Bootstrap, Netlify
Back-end: Node, Express, PostgreSQL, Heroku

Add a property review

Rate your awful (or amazing) rental experience.

Searching for and viewing reviews

Check to see reviews of a prospective rental...

Viewing neighbourhood reviews

...and the surrounding neighbourhood.

The Rental Rants client is hosted on Netlify and uses the Google Maps and Places Autocomplete APIs to search for an address and return latitude and longitude coordinates. Review data is linked to these coordinates and a Node JS / Express server, deployed to Heroku, with PSQL database persists the reviews.